Summary: This story is set 5 years after Luke and Noah’s first kiss and the couple have left Uni and our now working at WOAK.
Originally Posted to – Apr 27 2008
Disclaimer: This story is no way associated with “As the World Turns”, CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended.
Luke and Noah now lived together in their own apartment, not that far away from Oakdale’s old town. They had been living together for over a year now and were both working at WOAK for Oakdale Now. Luke was working as a studio writer and Noah was the assistant director. They both had their dream jobs and they got to work side by side on the towns’ biggest TV show.
It was 9 o’clock on a Saturday morning, Luke and Noah were both still lying side by side in bed as they got the weekends off. They didn’t have anything special planned for the weekend so they didn’t see the point of leaving each others side in bed. Everything was so peaceful, when they heard the phone ringing downstairs. Noah began to get up to go and answer the phone when Luke turned to Noah and said, “Just leave it, they’ll leave a message.” The phone continued to ring.
“Luke, what if it’s important,” Noah replied as he continued to get up. Luke stared back at him with puppy dog eyes and normally Noah wouldn’t be able to resist those beautiful eyes but the phone continued to ring so Noah left Luke and headed down the stairs. Noah got to phone just in time as he picked it up and answered.
“Hello,” Noah answered.
“Good Morning, can I speak to a Mr. Noah Mayer please?” chimed up the caller on the other end of the telephone conversation.
“This is Noah Mayer, how can I help?” Noah replied as Luke came down the stairs.
“Good Morning, Mr. Mayer this Sally Rogers from the Oakdale department of Social Services. I’m calling regarding your application,” responded the caller before she continued, “We were wondering if you could and your partner, Mr. Snyder, could come down to our offices here on 13th Street later today.”
“Sure, is there a problem with our application?” asked Noah. When Luke heard Noah say this he felt like his whole world was collapsing beneath him.
“No there’s no problem Mr. Mayer, could you and your partner please come in this afternoon, about 1 o’clock,” answered the woman.
“Yeah, sure, we’ll be there,” replied Noah before he hung up the phone. At this time Luke was panicking, he had no idea what was going on, he was thinking the worse and trying his best not to break down crying. Noah could see that Luke was almost ready to break down into tears that he finally put Luke out of his misery and told him what the woman from Social services had said.
Luke was so relieved once he knew what the social worker had said, but neither of the boys knew why the women from social services had insisted that they go into to see her at such short notice. Sure they were expecting a call from social services, but not this soon. They had only put in their application a month ago, there was no way anything could happen this fast. They were told it would take months for their application to processed. The only thing they could think of was that they were going to be turned down, but the woman from Social services said there wasn’t a problem, but then again, maybe she just wanted to protect the boys and then reject their application in person. These thoughts were running through both boys minds for the rest of the morning.